Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lego Wii Remote!!@!

If you have not heard about this yet, you are in for a treat. YES ITS A LEGO WII REMOTE! It has to be the greatest thing anyone will get this Christmas. Can you imagine the delight on your own face when you steal this from your children who think its for them? DO YOU? It will be glorious.
Swish and wiggle and waggle your way to victory with this happy lil feller.

If you would like to send me one too, that would be awefully nice of you. We could build little houses on it and name our children after the little monkeys we see at the zoo. Oh the good times we would have. Ohhhh there would be times. . can we hold hands now?

For more waggling action, check out the Lego Wii Remote here.